Rush has been playing clips from what has become known as Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" speech given in 1964 on national television on behalf of, and sponsored by, Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign. I remember this speech, it was part of my 8th grade government class. If was nearly one year after Kennedy's assassination and a few weeks before the 1964 election. Goldwater was badly beaten by LBJ and the Republican party was pronounced dead. Reagan came back with unbelievable strength in 1980 beating Jimmy Carter and starting a two-term presidency that saw the fall of the Soviet Union, the reduction of taxes by nearly 50% and an increase in federal revenues that few have matched. Entrepreneurs made good use of this new found wealth to introduce America to home computers, a flood of software products and the cell phone creating untold millions of jobs.
His speech is worth the 1/2 hour invested in listening to it.
Here are links to the text of the speech as well as the youtube video.
We have certainly drifted from Reagan's common sense view of America, its purpose and its foundation.
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