Friday, February 29, 2008

Barak might want to check his numbers.

Obama's latest rant against our involvement in Iraq focused on his claim that we are spending $12 Billion dollars per month - and that, in his view, is unsustainable. There is another set of financials he might want to review as well: the cost of ignoring our enemies.

9/11 by the Numbers

Death, destruction, charity, salvation, war, money, real estate, spouses, babies, and other September 11 statistics.

The initial numbers are indelible: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. From there, they ripple out.

The cost to NYC for ignoring our enemies. This does not include losses to the rest of the country, losses to our industries (think of the losses and additional costs to the airline industry alone!), increased recurring costs of our on-going security efforts. So, before Obama proposes an exit from Iraq to save $12 Billion per month, perhaps he might want to consider the real costs of such an act.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Obama's plan for our military defense.

If this isn't enough to scare the crap outta you, I have no idea what would!

The surrender begins at Harvard

Of course, of course - it's just for the young lady's modesty. Surely we can understand - right??

To accommodate Muslim students, Harvard tries women-only gym hours

Harvard University has moved to make Muslim women more comfortable in the gym by instituting women-only access times six hours a week to accommodate religious customs that make it difficult for some students to work out in the presence of men. Men have not been allowed to enter the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center during certain times since Jan. 28, after members of the Harvard Islamic Society and the Harvard Women's Center petitioned the university for a more comfortable environment for women.

Nothing to see here - move on, move on.

More evidence of Global Cooling

Imagine, 100 YEARS of Global WARMING eliminated in a SINGLE YEAR!! Why isn't this on the frontpage of the NY Times. Won't the glaciers damage NYC??

Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the
list goes on and on.

So, what do you need to be legal in Mexico??

Let's say you wanted to purchase property in Mexico. Let's say you wanted to move there in retirement. Just what would it take? Surely it's as simple as just walking across the border and laying the money down - right? Isn't that what the Mexican government is expecting from the US, can't we all just get along??

Turns out it's just a bit more complicated:

Hi Michelle - I live in Chicago but own a parcel in San Felipe, Mexico (east side of Baja, on the Sea of Cortez) Thought you’d get a kick out of what I need to do if I want to retire there….legally. Here’s the info from the El Dorado Ranch Estates website:


For those of you who either lease lots, rent houses, or have purchased property through a Fideicomiso Irrevocable, you must have an FM-3 Visa to be legal in Mexico. Once you have signed any sort of contract, you are no longer a tourist. I would like to say at the outset, that if you do not have an FM-3 Visa and you find yourself in a property dispute or other entanglement which puts you in the arms of jurisprudence, you literally have no rights as an “illegal alien”. This means your property, bank accounts, vehicles and personal belongings, are in jeopardy. The very minimum you need for owning or leasing property is the FM-3 Visa which is renewable every year for 5 years. The following is a list of items you will need to obtain your FM-3 or FM-2 Visa:

You would think that the Mexican government would certainly grant us the same level of expectation for those wishing to live in the US, wouldn't you??

More on the Global Warming Farce!!

We have had more snow in the Northern Hemisphere this year than at any time since 1966. What's that about global warming again??

Lorne Gunter: Welcome to the new ice age
February 25, 2008, 11:01 AM by Marni Soupcoff

Snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966.

The U.S. National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) reported that many American cities and towns suffered record cold temperatures in January and early February. According to the NCDC, the average temperature in January "was -0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

There is no Hope!

I have been watching Obama over the past few weeks, listening and reading his speeches and, admittedly scratching my head over his obsessive use of the words “hope” and “change”. And wondering - has the average American become so dim-witted that these two words are enough to get a man, with only 2 years of elected experience as a US Senator, elected President of the United States? I suspect that perhaps it is. What do these things mean in the context of our upcoming election?

The easiest to address is “change”. I interpret that as meaning many on the left, and probably some on the right, believe it is time for George Bush to leave. Well, because of the 22nd Amendment to our Constitution, that is guaranteed – George Bush will no longer be our President after this next election.

A “change in direction” is also a guarantee – all candidates running are decidedly more socialist than in years past. We can all look forward to more government intrusion into our lives, and expansion of the nanny state and a continued surrender of our ability to run and direct our lives to a government that seems to be determined to take care of us, whether we want them to or not. I believe these things are certain. “Change” will occur. However, “hope” is another matter all together.

There is no “hope”.

Just what is “hope”. One dictionary defines it as: “A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment.”

A “wish”, a “desire” that a person is “confident” will come true. Think how the tenor of Obama’s speeches would change if he replaced the word “hope” with the word “wish”.

“I wish we had affordable healthcare!” “I wish the terrorists would abandon their attacks on the US.” “I wish education was cheaper.” “I wish you could pay lower taxes.” Would that make a difference in how he is viewed by those crowding around him at his rallies, passing out in ecstasy?

There is no “hope”.

Lets look at “hope” on two levels: first at the individual and personal level, the second at the national level as it applies to our national desires, goals and direction.

A high school student can “hope” to get into a good college, yet if they are unwilling to study hard, follow a college prep path, participate in additional activities and maintain good grades, “hope” will not help, they will not be accepted.

An individual that wants to get a “good” job faces the exact same challenges. If they are unwilling to learn the field they want to work in, acquire the necessary education, excel at that education and then diligently search for that job, they will not be helped by “hoping” things will go their way.

An employee who “hopes” to move up will not do so unless they work hard, continue to learn, make themselves indispensable and simply excel at what they do. “Hope” will not move them up the ladder, action will.

A couple can “hope” their relationship will endure and grow, but unless they are willing to love each other, listen to each other, accept each other and support each other, their relationship will stagnate and fade. “Hope” in place of action leads them no where.

How does this desire for “hope” transfer itself to the national scene?

We can “hope” that terrorists will not and are not planning future attacks against the US. In fact, this past week, with the House’s refusal to enact an updated FISA bill that the Senate had already past, and the expiration of the Protect America Act, the Democrat House has relied on “hope” entirely – the hope that our Islamist enemies that destroyed the World Trade Center, bombed our embassies and ships and fought our soldiers throughout the world have had enough and have laid down their arms. However, the constant drumbeat of “death to America” heard throughout the lands of our enemies’ leads me to suspect that their passion for our destruction has not dimmed. We can either confront them or surrender to them.

We can “hope” that our borders are secure. Yet, with an estimated 12-20 million illegals in our country, it appears “hope” is not securing our borders at all. We can either secure our borders, send the lawbreakers home and install a real guest worker program, or we can surrender our sovereignty to criminals.

We can “hope” that the countries of the Mideast, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada and Africa will continue to provide us oil. We can “hope” we can refine enough of those imports into gasoline with 35 year old refineries. We can “hope” we can meet our growing electrical needs without building more coal and nuclear power stations. Or, we can harvest our natural resources, drill for oil, extract and use our coal, build the nuclear plants we badly need and wean ourselves off our foreign dependencies.

We can “hope” that companies do not move their manufacturing capabilities out of our country. Our government can continue to raise their taxes, threaten to take their profits, punish their successes and promise to control their prices. However, target companies will not “hope” the government changes its mind, they will simply leave. Or, we could reduce their taxes (taxes that are passed on to the consumers by the way), encourage them to expand, support their growth (and as a result add new jobs), invite increased investment and encourage foreign companies to relocate in the US instead.

My point is this: while Mr. Obama has soared to the top his party’s ticked by “Wishin’ and Hopin” (lyrics by Ani Difranco), it’s hollow. Without commitment, direction, actions, cooperation, determination and clarity – there is nothing. And, that is exactly what it seems that Mr. Obama is holding in his hand to offer the American people – nothing.

Is this what we have come to as a country – Republican, Democrat, Independent – that we have come to demand so little from our leaders that we would vote for nothing?

There is no “hope”.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Iran Could Have Enough Uranium for a Bomb by Year's End

I AM SHOCKED!!! SHOCKED I TELL YOU!!! Surely there is a misunderstanding - the EU and our own intel guys have told us me might be as much as a decade away from a nuclear Iran. So how can this be?? What should be do?? What works will Berry Obama use to stop their program??

Iran Could Have Enough Uranium for a Bomb by Year's End

By Markus Becker

New simulations carried out by European Union experts come to an alarming conclusion: Iran could have enough highly enriched uranium to build an atomic bomb by the end of this year.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

China attacks through Digital Photo Frames!

They are just business partners - nothing to see here, move along, move along.

It's time to fight for free speech!!

It's time to stand up against the government's battle against free speech!!!

Unfettered Speech, Now

By Bradley A. Smith and Steve Simpson
Saturday, February 16, 2008; Page A21

Most Americans probably assume that they can gather with friends and neighbors to say whatever they want about politics to whoever is willing to listen. They presume that the First Amendment protects their right to get together and buy yard signs, publish newsletters or pay for radio or television ads urging people to vote for or against a candidate -- and to do so free of government interference.

Unfortunately, most Americans would be wrong. Today, when Americans band together and spend even small amounts of money to advocate the election or defeat of a candidate, they must submit to government regulation and limits on the funds they can raise. Because of these campaign finance laws, the presumption in favor of free speech rooted in the First Amendment has largely given way to a presumption of regulation.

Vote for McCain?

The mistake the Republican establishment made was moving so far “left” since they captured the Congress. And, after loosing the whole shooting-match in 2006, believing that more of the same would help. November will be brutal – and necessary.

Everyone keeps saying McCain will support the troops – as I am sure he will in words and his heart. But, with a House and Senate that will be near veto-proof, just what do you think he will be able to accomplish? We just saw a House willing to let our ability to monitor terrorist communication – months before a presidential election (anyone remember Spain – 3/11???) – a clear indication of the atmosphere McCain will have to work in. Do you really think he will be able to pass budgets to continue the GWOT?? Really?? Remember the ONLY REASON he is a maverick is that he LEAPS across the aisle, hugs Kennedy, Libermann, Finegold and any other Democrat near by. Intentions mean nothing, the ability to pass legislation does and he will have NONE.

I am DAMN TIRED of having everyone call me a right winger when I expect the intelligence community to use ALL TOOLS NECESSARY to extract information regarding attacks on Americans – including water-boarding!

I am DAMN TIRED of having everyone call me a right winger when I expect the government to keep dangerous terrorists in a secure area and to try them in a military court. Tell me, when McCain closes Gitmo, transfers these animals to Ft. Levenworth and the legal lefties are finally successful in having them tried is a civil court, will you volunteer to be on the jury? Will you stare down a terrorist, with your family at home, and give him the death penalty knowing he will be coming for you and your kids? Really?? This is a job for the military, let them handle it.

I am DAMN TIRED of having everyone call me a right winger when it comes to McCain. Excuse me?? I want: Secure Borders, stop paying to educate illegals’s children, stop making their babies citizens, stop giving them healthcare, stop giving them jobs, DO NOT LEGALIZE 12-20 MILLION of them and then invite their immediate family to join them, do not give them driver’s licenses, do not give them credit cards, do not give them home loans, THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am DAMN TIRED of having everyone call me a right winger when I resist, with all my heart, the stupid idea of man-made global warming, and plans on signing on to koyto to punish us for our successes as an industrialized nation. Anyone read the stories of an equally vocal band of scientists warning we may be on the edge of a mini-ice age because of reduced solar sun spot activity??? We’ve have broken the 1969 snowfall record here in Iowa – hello??? The sun is 333,000 TIMES LARGER than the earth!!!!! It is our thermometer, NOT man.

I am DAMN TIRED of having everyone call me a right winger when McCain saw fit to take away my First Amendment right to free speech through McCain/Finegold. Anyone notice how nicely the whole “no advertising against a named candidate 30 days before a primary” clause worked after his lies about Rommney in Florida??

I am DAMN TIRED of having everyone call me a right winger when McCain saw fit to take away the vote of my Senator through his little “gang of 14”. Scholar after scholar feels strongly that filibusters of judicial candidates are un-constitutional, we should have settled the matter once and for all.

The Republican Party, at the NATIONAL level, has chosen to move so far left, away from the BASIC principles of a secure nation, free speech, national sovereignty that I am now expected to abandon MY core beliefs – beliefs that have guided my 40 years as a voting Republican. As they ponder their disaster this fall - and make no mistake, it will be a disaster – it will not be because of conservative’s stubbornness, it will be because the Republican Party has abandoned every principle that attracted conservatives and replaced them with those of the liberal left. It has shown me the door, and I have taken the hint.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama's Che backer found!

Meet the woman who hung the Che flag in Obama's campaign office!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Does Obama have an understanding of the Constitution?

It would seem that Senator Obama lacks a basic understanding of the President's power under the Constitution. Take a look at his interview with the Boston Globe back in December.

Barack Obama's Q&A
By Charlie Savage
Globe Staff / December 20, 2007

Global Warming - Really???

Forgive me as I try to wrap my head around the whole idea of global warming as Iowa endures the most snow since 1969. Think I'm kidding??

So pardon me if a scoff at the idea of man-made global warming.

In fact, recent observations of our largest contributor to climate change - the SUN - might imply just the opposite, we might be on the cusp of global COOLING.

Sun Stays Sluggish as Weathermen Fight for Anti-Ice Age Funding

Every day, scientists hoping to see an increase in solar activity train their instruments at the sun as it crosses the sky. This is no idle academic pursuit: A lull in solar action could potentially drive the planet’s temperature down, or even prompt a mini Ice Age.
No, say it isn't so!!! Not a mini Ice Age!!!!!

The members of the RoP are out in force lately.

For all those Europeans looking to the immigrant population to solve their problems, they might want to listen to what those immigrants are being told by leaders from the old country.

Erdogan cheered by 16,000 Turks in Cologne 10/02/2008

The Turkish prime minister tells crowd to resist assimilation.

Cologne, Germany -- A crowd of 16,000 expatriate Turks cheered Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a vast indoor auditorium in Germany on Sunday as he told them to resist assimilation into the West.


"Assimilation is a crime against humanity," he told the crowd. Many Turks had travelled from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to hear his hour-long address in the shiny venue, the Koelnarena.
A crime against humanity - just take that statement in.

A glimer of awakening in Britain?

Britain is awash in violent Islamists. The solution of the Archbishop of Canterbury? Submit to Sharia law. Me thinks the the lowly citizens might have something to say about it.

Europe in the house of war
By Spengler

Violence is oozing through the cracks of European society like pus out of a broken scab. Just when liberal opinion congratulated itself that Europe had forsaken its violent past, the specter of civil violence has the continent terrified. That is the source of the uproar over a February 7 speech by Archbishop Rowan Williams, predicting the inevitable acceptance of Muslim sharia law in Great Britain.

Not since World War II has British opinion been provoked to the present level of outrage. Writing in the Times of London, the editor of the London Spectator, Matthew d'Ancona, quoted former British Conservative parliamentarian Enoch Powell's warning that concessions to alien cultures would cause "rivers of blood" to flow in the streets of England. Times columnist Minette Marin accuses the archbishop of treason.
Perhaps an awakening is beginning.

The RoP Continues the assult and slaughter of their women.

Why is it when the US waterboards the architect of 9/11, the world howls at our inhumanity. Yet, in Britain alone 17,000 women are assaulted and murdered because they have offended the honor of their family, these same people are silent?

Perhaps it is because fear works. Critise the US, and nothing happens to you. Critise Islam and its practices and you might end up dead. Hummmm - who is civilized again??

A question of honour: Police say 17,000 women are victims every year

Ministers are stepping up the fight against so-called 'honour' crime and forced marriages. Detectives say official statistics are 'merely the tip of the iceberg' of this phenomenon. Brian Brady investigates

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Up to 17,000 women in Britain are being subjected to "honour" related violence, including murder, every year, according to police chiefs.

And official figures on forced marriages are the tip of the iceberg, says the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).
The tip of the iceberg. The Religion of Peace. Food for thought.

9,125 American deaths per year at the hands of illegals!

Much has been written about the deaths of over 3960 (to date) of our soldiers in the Iraq War. With the 5th Anniversary of the start of the war just around the corner, this will certainly take center stage again next month. And, lest any think that I believe this to be trivial, I do not. The death of any soldier is sad. Yet, they died in a chosen profession, certain of the risks and proud to serve.

During this same time there were the murders of 21,900 American citizens, on American soil. There were involved in daily life. No volunteer state, simply living their lives - only to have them ended by an illegal alien, an unwelcome, unwanted and criminal intruder into our country.

Also during this time there were 23,725 American citizens, on American highways, killed by drunken illegal aliens. Killed by people who care nothing for our rule of law.

From Congressman Peter King (R-Iowa):
What would that May 1st look like without illegal immigration? There would be no one to smuggle across our southern border the heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines that plague the United States, reducing the U.S. supply of meth that day by 80%. The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day. Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals. Our hospital emergency rooms would not be flooded with everything from gunshot wounds, to anchor babies, to imported diseases to hangnails, giving American citizens the day off from standing in line behind illegals. Eight American children would not suffer the horror as a victim of a sex crime.

A total of 45,625 Americans dead at the hands of illegal aliens over the past 5 years. Tell me, where is the outcry?

Obama Staff remembers Che.

While celebrating Obama's Super Tuesday's wins, it would seem campaign team members in the Huston area put up a bit of political wall decoration: a Cuban flag with the image of Che on it.

I would like to say that I'm sure the Senator would not approve, I find my fingers can't type those words. Obviously his campaign workers saw fit to celebrate the communist country and one of its most famous murderers with a wall hanging displayed prominently behind the desk. It clearly represents these worker's political leanings. And, I suspect, the leanings of the good Senator as well.

Watch and weep.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Some thoughts on the result of a McCain Presidency

Some thoughts on what a McCain Presidency means:

* Open borders: He will sign the Kennedy bill after "securing the boarder". Yet, the Kennedy bill legalizes the 12-20 million in country and allows immediate family members to join them. This could easily result in 36-60 new citizens virtually over night. How do we support this?

* Once this green light is lit, do you really think they will post the 4th ID on the border to secure it? Our current influx of illegals will look like a trickle.

* Tax Cuts: They will get repealed in a heart beat. With a weak (cooperative) stick like McCain in the driver’s seat there will be no one to stand against the clamoring hordes hungry for your tax dollars. What will this do to business in innovation in the US - review the Carter years for your answer.

* McCain's agreement with Kyoto and his buy-in to the whole man made global warming deal ( by the way - FREEZING MY ASS OFF IN IOWA ) - yet another nail in the coffin of American businesses.

* Judges: McCain cared so little for my constitutional rights that he formed his little gang of 14. The filibuster of Supreme Court Justices is unconstitutional - and it should have been settled before Bush left office because McCain and the Democrats certainly will do nothing but salt the court with socialists and believers in "The Living Constitution".

* McCain/Finegold: Florida was a perfect example of why McCain fought so hard for that legislation. He released a pack of lies and inflammatory robo-calls against Romney. Since it was within 30 days of a Primary (or 60 days of a general election), no private group or citizen could buy air time to help Romney rebut these lies. McCain could simply lie over and over knowing full well no one could mount a rigorous response.

* The War: Tell me, do you really think McCain, regardless of his hawkish stance on Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and the Religion of Peace, do you really think he will have the horse power to rustle up funding for fighting these folks with a Democrat Congress? Once he is POTUS, he will no longer be their friend - he will be their enemy.

* His personality: He is, perhaps the most angry and vindictive member of the Senate today. While these traits may be fine for survival in Vietnam and for getting his way in the Senate, they do not lend themselves to leadership. IF, and this is a BIG IF, between now and November he sees fit to show some contrition for his stupid ideas on immigration, campaign finance, tax cuts, the gang of 14, he might find his footing with the conservatives. He won't do that. Simply because he IS angry and vindictive. I believe the conservative base is going to punish him.

With the election of McCain, I do not believe there would be a dimes worth of difference between him and Hillary. If Obama gets elected, he will be drug around by the nose by every special interest group and the likes of Kennedy. I agree, the results will be brutal. But please don't think that McCain guarantees any level of good treatment for the military and death and destruction to our enemies, it doesn't.