Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's time to fight for free speech!!

It's time to stand up against the government's battle against free speech!!!

Unfettered Speech, Now

By Bradley A. Smith and Steve Simpson
Saturday, February 16, 2008; Page A21

Most Americans probably assume that they can gather with friends and neighbors to say whatever they want about politics to whoever is willing to listen. They presume that the First Amendment protects their right to get together and buy yard signs, publish newsletters or pay for radio or television ads urging people to vote for or against a candidate -- and to do so free of government interference.

Unfortunately, most Americans would be wrong. Today, when Americans band together and spend even small amounts of money to advocate the election or defeat of a candidate, they must submit to government regulation and limits on the funds they can raise. Because of these campaign finance laws, the presumption in favor of free speech rooted in the First Amendment has largely given way to a presumption of regulation.

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