Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let the show trials begin!

The Big "O" opened the gates today to allow Holder to begin hearings on the conduct to folks in the Bush administration who wrote the findings allowing "torture" such as water-boarding, sleep deprivation and physical stress to occur to gather information from our enemies.  It was obvious it was coming as can be seen in the account below.  But the naivete of this man is stunning.  the UBL phrase "weak horse" keeps running through my mind.  While the Big "O" sees the continual criticism of the US and it's policies as a tool to show the world change has come, our enemies will see weakness and opportunity.  As I have said over and over, we are going to pay a terrible price for this man's ignorance, stupidity and anti-American attitude.

Obama gives Holder the green light for the left’s long-sought show trials

Posted by Dan Spencer (Profile)

Tuesday, April 21st at 4:52PM EDT

Show trial: a trial (as of political opponents) in which the verdict is rigged and a public confession is often extractedMerriam-Webster Online Dictionary


President Obama was presented with another opportunity to rule out political retribution dressed up as investigations of the looney left-wing’s fanciful allegations of Bush administration war-crimes.

Instead of standing by his previous obfuscation that “we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards,” Obama gave a green light to Attorney General Holder to start the show trials — a political theater relic of Joseph Stalin’s Great Purge of political opponents from the former Soviet Union.

Watch the following CBS video report:

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