Friday, April 17, 2009

Democrat Healthcare Plan to reduce costs: If you are too sick, we will let you die.

Well Duh.  Did anyone ever doubt this was the case??  President Obama has shown no resistance to killing the unborn, why wouldn't he kill the elderly??  It just makes so much sense!


New Dem Health Care Pitch: "We'll Deny Treatments!"

Democratic blogger Ezra Klein appears to be positioning Dem health care reforms as a way to cut costs, on the grounds that a reformed system will be able to make "hard choices" and "rational" coverage decisions, by which Klein seems to mean "not providing" treatments that are unproven or too expensive--when "a person's life, or health, is not worth the price." Matthew Yglesias' recent post seems to be saying the same thing, though clarity isn't its strong suit. (He must have left it on Journolist.) 

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