Monday, May 19, 2008

McCain Sees Right-Of-Center Nation As He Moves Against Obama

He may "see" it, but he truly doesn't get it.  He has thrown the right-of-center conservatives under the bus, and  frankly Senator, there is no going back. - McCain Sees Right-Of-Center Nation As He Moves Against Obama

WASHINGTON -- Republican John McCain's game plan for beating Democrat Barack Obama rests on one huge assumption: Despite an unpopular war, an uncertain economy and the GOP's beleaguered status, the country still leans more to the right than to the left.

"There are going to be stark choices between a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican," McCain says at nearly every turn as he seeks to portray Obama as out of step with the nation. The more the GOP nominee-in-waiting can frame the debate along those lines, and capture a larger chunk of the electorate's center, the better his chance to eke out a victory in an extraordinarily challenging political environment.

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