Monday, May 31, 2010

Emigration Up, Birth Rate Down: Graying Germany Contemplates Demographic Time Bomb - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Perhaps if they had read Mark Steyn’s book “America Alone” when it was published a few years back.  Europe is lost, the writing has been on the wall for over a decade.

Emigration Up, Birth Rate Down: Graying Germany Contemplates Demographic Time Bomb - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News – International

German pensioners: The country's population is aging.

Germany is already facing a demographic nightmare as birth German pensioners: The country's population is aging.rates fall despite a slew of family-friendly policies. Now, new statistics show that more people are leaving the country than immigrating -- adding to concerns about the country's shrinking population.

Germans fretting about the country's looming demographic problems are unlikely to have been cheered by recent news on birth rates and emigration. With its graying population, the country's cradle-to-grave welfare system could become unaffordable due to a dearth of working-age people to keep the system going. And the country seems to be failing to either attract enough immigrants or produce babies fast enough to dispel fears of future demographic disaster.

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