Friday, March 27, 2009

A Clear Danger to Free Speech by The Editors on National Review Online

One more bit of proof the McCain should never have been on the ticket and the dangers of unintended consequences. 

A Clear Danger to Free Speech by The Editors on National Review Online

By the Editors

From its conception, the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law was an assault on the First Amendment. Signing that unconstitutional bill into law, knowing it to be unconstitutional, was one of the worst moments of George W. Bush’s presidency. Yet this malignancy lurks in the legal code, widely accepted, even celebrated. Now Deputy Solicitor General Malcolm Stewart has gone before the Supreme Court arguing that McCain-Feingold gives the government the right to ban books and films. He’s right, it does. And for that reason, McCain-Feingold should be nullified.

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