Monday, March 29, 2010

Pajamas Media » Do Bicycles Actually Have a Lower CO2 ‘Footprint’ Than Cars?

So, should we now place a limit on the number of miles a person bikes??  Things that make you say Hummmmm!


Pajamas Media » Do Bicycles Actually Have a Lower CO2 ‘Footprint’ Than Cars?

The transportation secretary wants you to ride a bike to work to stop the "warming." Does he realize that humans, while exercising, are CO2 factories?

March 28, 2010 - by Ronnie Schreiber

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Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood wants us to ride bikes to work instead of our cars.

One of the reasons he gives is environmental — what could be greener than riding a bike? Walking perhaps, and actually LaHood wants us to wear out the shoe leather too, but for most people walking to work isn’t an option. Riding a bicycle, which can easily hit 20 mph or more, is a viable alternative to driving for many folks.

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