Monday, December 27, 2010
Pajamas Media » Question Insanity: What to Ask Progressives
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Orphan Drug Discounts Ended for Children’s Hospitals -
Orphan Drug Discounts Ended for Children’s Hospitals -
From left, J.B. Reed/Bloomberg; Luke Macgregor/Reuters; Mark Schiefelbein for The New York Times
Children’s hospitals have been told by drug companies that they will no longer get discounts for medications, like the cancer drugs above, that are known as “orphan drugs.” The change is an unintended consequence of the new health law, and it is costing hospitals millions of dollars.
Published: December 7, 2010
WASHINGTON — In an unintended consequence of the new health care law, drug companies have begun notifying children’s hospitals around the country that they no longer qualify for large discounts on drugs used to treat rare medical conditions.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
University of Colorado and NASA Research Center to Study Sun’s Effects on Earth’s Climate | Watts Up With That?
Posted on November 30, 2010 by Anthony Watts
CU-NASA Research Center to Study Sun’s Effects on Earth’s Climate
Monday, November 29, 2010
My personal "pat-down" experience
My personal "pat-down" experience
By Kristia Cavere
The images on television of children, the elderly, and other individuals who pose zero threat to our aviation security experiencing "pat-downs" by TSA officials at airports is disturbing. This issue became personal to me as I was forced into a pat-down and threatened that I would never get through security until I complied, and I now believe that these demeaning acts are unconstitutional.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tyrants Don't Always Lose.
Tyrants Don't Always Lose.
email | Nov 10, 2010 | Shlomo LewisPosted on Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:01:30 PM by econjack
I received this from a friend.
It will take you a few minutes to read, which I hope you will do, from beginning to end. The sermon was met with resounding applause, most unusual (unheard of in a synagogue).
I think that the simple act of applauding must have, at that moment, given the congregants a feeling of exhiliration.
The sermon was delivered on Rosh Hashanah 2010 by Rabbi Shlomo Lewis in Atlanta, GA. It is now referred to as the Sermon of the Century.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Late-Term Abortion Practitioner Moving to Iowa, Maryland, Indiana |
Late-Term Abortion Practitioner Moving to Iowa, Maryland, Indiana |
by Steven Ertelt | Omaha, NE | | 11/10/10 12:19 PM
Late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart has opened up about his moving his abortion business to three new states in a new interview following a report revealing he’s expanding his business.
Friday, November 05, 2010
Nachumlist – A continous record of Obama’s tenure in office.
An interesting site showing Obama’s tenure in office.
A continuous record of Obama and his administration
Year Two
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
More Ethanol Means Dirtier Air - Robert Bryce - National Review Online
More Ethanol Means Dirtier Air - Robert Bryce - National Review Online
And Obama’s EPA just gave this corrosive and un-green fuel another bailout.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced on October 13 that it had approved an increase in the amount of ethanol that can be blended into gasoline from 10 percent to as much as 15 percent. Apparently, the Obama administration’s plan is to forget about ethanol’s negative impact on consumers and their gasoline-powered equipment, ignore the facts when it comes to air quality, and instead pander to the farm lobby.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Harvard Pilgrim cancels Medicare Advantage plan - The Boston Globe
Harvard Pilgrim cancels Medicare Advantage plan - The Boston Globe
Globe Staff / September 28, 2010
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care has notified customers that it will drop its Medicare Advantage health insurance program at the end of the year, forcing 22,000 senior citizens in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine to seek alternative supplemental coverage.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Roman Catholic school may be run by a MOSQUE as there are just five RC pupils left | Mail Online
Roman Catholic school may be run by a MOSQUE as there are just five RC pupils left | Mail Online
By Liz Hull
Last updated at 6:16 PM on 24th September 2010A Roman Catholic primary school could become the first in the country to be run by a mosque after a dramatic rise in the number of Muslim pupils, it emerged today
Church bosses want to close Sacred Heart RC Primary School, in Blackburn, Lancashire, because the number of Catholic students has plummeted from 91 per cent to just three per cent in a decade.
Islam over running Europe – this is news???
Vatican Official: “Islam Will Sooner Or Later Conquer Majority of Europe”
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 24, 2010, 5:40 AM
A Vatican official told the media this week that Islam will sooner or later conquer a majority of Europe.
LifeSiteNews reported:Europe will grow more “Islamicized” if Christian Europeans do not start having more children, and going back to Church, a senior Vatican official said this month. Msgr. Piero Gheddo, a famous missionary and an official with the Vatican’s Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, told Zenit news service that Europe’s indigenous inhabitants have abandoned Christianity and are becoming “paganized.”
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Insurers Pin Rate Hikes on Health Law -
Insurers Pin Rate Hikes on Health Law -
Health Insurers Plan Hikes
Rate Increases Are Blamed on Health-Care Overhaul; White House Questions Logic
Health insurers say they plan to raise premiums for some Americans as a direct result of the health overhaul in coming weeks, complicating Democrats' efforts to trumpet their signature achievement before the midterm elections.
Insurers say they plan to raise premiums on some Americans due to the health overhaul, complicating Democrats' efforts to trumpet their signature achievement before elections. Janet Adamy and Evan Newmark discuss. Also, Justin Lahart discusses the two-track economy for American business, with global players getting boosts from fast-growing foreign markets, while companies focused on the U.S. market are hamstrung by recession-scarred consumers.
Aetna Inc., some BlueCross BlueShield plans and other smaller carriers have asked for premium increases of between 1% and 9% to pay for extra benefits required under the law, according to filings with state regulators.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Administration halts prosecution of alleged USS Cole bomber
Administration halts prosecution of alleged USS Cole bomber
By Peter Finn
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 26, 2010; 8:47 PMThe Obama administration has shelved the planned prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged coordinator of the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, according to a court filing.
Monday, August 23, 2010
American Thinker: Iraq: The War That Broke Us -- Not
Once again, to the sorrow of the Iraq War critics, the devil is in the details. The Iraq war did not cost $3 Trillion dollars – it did not even cost $1 Trillion dollars.
American Thinker: Iraq: The War That Broke Us -- Not
By Randall Hoven
The Iraq War ends this month. The last combat brigade left August 19. Operation Iraqi Freedom, which began in 2003, will end August 31. September 1 marks the beginning of Operation New Dawn. Now that it's over, what did the Iraq War cost?
The correct answer to my question, according to the Congressional Budget Office, is $709 billion. The Iraq War cost $709 billion.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
American Thinker Blog: Graph of the Day for August 21, 2010
American Thinker Blog: Graph of the Day for August 21, 2010
Randall Hoven"With the fixation on shrinking the budget deficit, why is over $700 billion in annual defense spending almost always off-limits for discussion? The mainstream media rarely explore possible cuts in the nation's largest discretionary spending item, and most politicians refuse to even consider the issue." Katrina vanden Huevel, The Washington Post, June 22, 2010.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Financial reform law has racial quota for business loans--Paul Sperry -
O's latest biz-killer
Racial quotas for business loans
Last Updated: 10:13 AM, August 12, 2010
Posted: 12:46 AM, August 12, 2010
Buried deep inside the new "financial reform" law is a scheme to force affirmative action on small-business lending -- a "reform" with ominous implications for the US economy.
Aimed at curtailing supposed discrimination, the race-based lending mandate is guaranteed to have perverse effects -- just like the drive for "racial fairness" in mortgage lending paved the way for the subprime crisis and the 2008 financial meltdown.
The new Dodd-Frank banking law sets up a data-collection system to monitor small-business loans for racial bias. Lenders must report if a business that applied for a loan is minority-owned, and whether the application was rejected.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution? - IBD -
Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution? - IBD -
The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.
People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"
Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A test of the android blogger application.
So i installed a new application on my android. Now I'm gonna try in use it for the post office just is a test. Very cool applications seems to work okay.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Morning Bell: Obama’s Oil Spill To-Do List | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Morning Bell: Obama’s Oil Spill To-Do List | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Posted June 30th, 2010 at 9:42am
The oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico gets worse by the day. Oil
spews from the broken well, further polluting our water and shores. The clean-up efforts drag on with bureaucratic interference, making matters worse. And what is the Obama administration doing? It continues to push for unrelated responses that will have a disastrous effect on our economy, especially the economy of the Gulf states most affected
Sunday, June 27, 2010
U.S. agency's action may kill Bucyrus deal, cost 1,000 jobs - JSOnline
U.S. agency's action may kill Bucyrus deal, cost 1,000 jobs - JSOnline
Export-Import Bank denies loan guarantees for coal project in India
By Rick Barrett of the Journal Sentinel
Posted: June 26, 2010 |(174) Comments
Wider impact
Bucyrus has 250 suppliers in Wisconsin that employ 15,000 people
Source: Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
Up to 1,000 jobs at Bucyrus International Inc. and its suppliers could be in jeopardy as the result of a decision by the U.S. Export-Import Bank, funded by Congress, to deny several hundred million dollars in loan guarantees to a coal-fired power plant and mine in India.
About 300 of those jobs are at the Bucyrus plant in South Milwaukee, where the company has 1,410 employees and its headquarters. The remaining jobs are spread across 13 states, including Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana.
On Thursday, the Export-Import Bank denied financing for Reliance Power Ltd., an Indian power plant company, effectively wiping out about $600 million in coal mining equipment sales for Bucyrus, chief executive Tim Sullivan said.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Scientists--carbon dioxide is not causing climate change
Scientists--carbon dioxide is not causing climate change
June 19, 6:45 PM
Conservative Examiner
Anthony G. Martin
In a major announcement that flies in the face of the erroneous
mantra of the world's political elite, a team of scientists has declared that carbon dioxide is NOT causing climate change. The team, sponsored by the International Climate Science Coalition, issued the following declaration:
We, the undersigned, having assessed the relevant scientific evidence, do not find convincing support for the hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing, or will in the foreseeable future cause, dangerous global warming.
Published 06/19/2010 - 6:55 p.m. CST
Dr. Nabeel Qureshi arrested for distributing Christian materials in Detroit, Michigan
By Mark Ellis
Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News ServiceShouts of 'Allahu Akbar' as Christians arrested
DEARBORN, MICHIGAN -(ANS)-Three Christians were arrested today at the Arab International Festival as they shared their faith with Muslims. The three were arrested by police as they engaged in intense, but respectful dialog in which they proclaimed their faith in Christ.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Senate Dems Again Fail to Pass 'Doc Fix' and Unemployment Extension - The Note
Senate Dems Again Fail to Pass 'Doc Fix' and Unemployment Extension - The Note
June 17, 2010 9:19 PM
ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf reports:
There are going to be a whole lot of angry Medicare doctors banging on lawmakers' doors tomorrow.
Senate Democrats just failed for the second time this week to get the 60 votes they need for a host of expiring social programs and corporate tax credits.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb, voted with Republicans.
The expiring provisions include extending emergency unemployment benefits for the long unemployed and averting a 21 percent pay cut for Medicare doctors. The latter is an ongoing issue in Washington, where deficit reduction laws known as the Sustainable Growth Rate mandate cuts to keep Medicare solvent but lawmakers periodically pass legislation to ignore them. The cuts have piled up over the years.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The IPCC consensus on climate change was phoney, says IPCC insider | Full Comment | National Post
The IPCC consensus on climate change was phoney, says IPCC insider | Full Comment | National Post
Lawrence Solomon June 13, 2010 – 8:50 am
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on manmade global warming, according to Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and IPCC insider. The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was “only a few dozen experts,” he states in a paper for Progress in Physical Geography, co-authored with student Martin Mahony.
“Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate’ are disingenuous,” the paper states unambiguously, adding that they rendered “the IPCC vulnerable to outside criticism.”
Paris police ban pork street party in Muslim area - Yahoo! News
Paris police ban pork street party in Muslim area - Yahoo! News
By PIERRE-YVES ROGER, Associated Press Writer Pierre-yves Roger, Associated Press Writer – 46 mins ago
PARIS – French police have banned a street party whose organizers planned to serve alcoholic cocktails and pork sausages in a heavily Muslim neighborhood of Paris, authorities said in a statement Tuesday.
Police said the party, called "Sausage and Booze," could have been viewed as a provocation in the Goutte-d'Or neighborhood of northern Paris, where many Muslims pray on the streets because there are not enough mosques. Alcohol and pork are forbidden by Islam and the party had been slated for just after Friday's main Muslim weekly prayers.
Organizers said they were holding the party to protest Islam's encroachment on traditional French values in the neighborhood. Muslim groups had announced a counterparty serving halal, or religiously approved, food.
Police banned both events.
"Because of the organization, location, day and timing chosen, as well as the counterparty plans, this event ... creates grave risks of public trouble," the police statement said. Police also said they met at length with organizers on Tuesday before announcing the ban.
French rights group SOS Racisme praised the ban on the party, which they called it a "flagrant call for hatred."
Residents get 6 votes each in suburban NY election - Yahoo! News
Residents get 6 votes each in suburban NY election - Yahoo! News
By JIM FITZGERALD, Associated Press Writer Jim Fitzgerald, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jun 15, 4:15 am ET
PORT CHESTER, N.Y. – Arthur Furano voted early — five days before Election Day. And he voted often, flipping the lever six times for his favorite candidate.
Furano cast multiple votes on the instructions of a federal judge and the U.S. Department of Justice as part of a new election system crafted to help boost Hispanic representation.
Voters in Port Chester, 25 miles northeast of New York City, are electing village trustees for the first time since the federal government alleged in 2006 that the existing election system was unfair.
Although the village of about 30,000 residents is nearly half Hispanic, no Latino had ever been elected to any of the six trustee seats, which until now were chosen in a conventional at-large election. Most voters were white, and white candidates always won.
Federal Judge Stephen Robinson said that violated the Voting Rights Act, and he approved a remedy suggested by village officials: a system called cumulative voting, in which residents get six votes each to apportion as they wish among the candidates. He rejected a government proposal to break the village into six districts, including one that took in heavily Hispanic areas.
Monday, June 14, 2010
FuturePundit: Chris Nelder: Replace Offshore Oil With Wind?
FuturePundit: Chris Nelder: Replace Offshore Oil With Wind?
Federal offshore Gulf of Mexico has been our last great hope for domestic oil production against a four-decade declining trend. Offshore oil now accounts for 1.7 million barrels per day (mbpd), or over 30%, of our domestic production of 5.5 mbpd.What would it take to substitute wind for offshore oil? At 5.8 MBtu heat value in a barrel of oil and 3412 BTU in a kWh, 1.7 mbpd is equivalent to 2.9 billion kWh per day, or 1,059 billion kWh a year. By comparison, total 2008 wind generation was 14.23 billion kWh in Texas, and 5.42 billion kWh in California.
Therefore, to replace our offshore oil with wind, you’d need 195 Californias, or 74 Texases of wind, and probably 20 years to build it.
Iowa City woman ordained as a bishop - The Daily Iowan
Iowa City woman ordained as a bishop - The Daily Iowan
Mary Kay Kusner was raised as a quite traditional Roman Catholic.
On Sunday, she was ordained as a priest — a role for women that is anything but traditional in the Catholic Church.
Kusner’s ordination was made possible by the Roman Catholic Womenpriests organization, a group loyal to the church in its teachings and rituals but denounced by the church for its belief that women, too, can be priests.
“We’re growing very quickly, and the people are accepting us,” Roman Catholic Woman Bishop, Bridget Mary Meehan said.
Bruce Krasting: Social Security At Mid-Year
Bruce Krasting: Social Security At Mid-Year
There is enough published information from the SSTF to make some observations for the first six months of 2010. The data on FICA/SECA tax receipts and benefit payments: (all amounts in $billions)
The Other National Debt - Kevin Williamson - National Review Online
The Other National Debt - Kevin Williamson - National Review Online
About that $14 trillion national debt: Get ready to tack some zeroes onto it. Taken alone, the amount of debt issued by the federal government — that $14 trillion figure that shows up on the national ledger — is a terrifying, awesome, hellacious number: Fourteen trillion seconds ago, Greenland was covered by lush and verdant forests, and the Neanderthals had not yet been outwitted and driven into extinction by Homo sapiens sapiens, because we did not yet exist. Big number, 14 trillion, and yet it doesn’t even begin to cover the real indebtedness of American governments at the federal, state, and local levels, because governments don’t count up their liabilities the same way businesses do
YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk
If you were a Congressman walking down the street and were approached by a couple of students – in suits and with camera – what would you do?? Why smack them around a bit – of course.
Pajamas Media » Renewable Energy: There Ain’t No Free Lunch
Pajamas Media » Renewable Energy: There Ain’t No Free Lunch
The public's notion of "green energy" — energy production with no pollution and no environmental impact — is a fairy tale, pushed by a legacy media that doesn't understand the underlying issues but knows which side it's on.
June 14, 2010
- by Chris J Kobus
Catch words these days for the favored form of energy include “green,” “clean,” “renewable,” and “sustainable” — among others. Yet nobody can quite quantify what exactly “green” means.
Examples pointed to by proponents include wind and solar, with a few pointing to hydroelectric power, biomass, and fuel cells. But those examples, and the logic behind them, fail the very definition of renewable (or clean, green, or sustainable for that matter). As the logic goes, there will always be wind, and the sun will always shine (I’ll ignore for now that wind, just like hydro power and biomass, is just another form of solar). That logic, however, is short sighted and inaccurate, because to harness that raw energy and convert it to a more useful form, we have to manufacture the means to do so, and that in and of itself is not renewable.
Pajamas Media » China’s Military Threatens America: ‘We Will Hurt You’
I have long been puzzled by the assumptions on the part of our government regarding the future intentions of China. It has always been clear to me that their primary intent was to rule as much of the globe as possible. Their military stance during my 21 years in the military and in the 22 years of my retirement has done nothing to change my mind.
What did concern me the most was our government’s looking at them as a friend, a possible ally or as something other than a communist country who uses its military freely to control its populace and influence its neighbors.
Perhaps we are catching on.
Pajamas Media » China’s Military Threatens America: ‘We Will Hurt You’
The Pentagon finally takes the hint from China’s openly hostile flag officers.
June 14, 2010
- by Gordon G. Chang
Share |
“Every nation has a right to defend itself and to spend as it sees fit for that purpose, but a gap as wide as what seems to be forming
between China’s stated intent and its military programs leaves me more than curious about the end result,” said Admiral Mike Mullen this Wednesday. “Indeed, I have moved from being curious to being genuinely concerned.”
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Pajamas Media » A Remarkable Lie, from Your Taxpayer-Funded NOAA
Pajamas Media » A Remarkable Lie, from Your Taxpayer-Funded NOAA
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, facing the reality that their temperature readings are hopelessly inaccurate, claims that ... accuracy doesn't matter. Wow.
June 12, 2010
- by Art Horn
The following remarkable statement now appears on the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) site:
For detecting climate change, the concern is not the absolute temperature — whether a station is reading warmer or cooler than a nearby station placed on grass — but how that temperature changes over time.
The root of the problem? NOAA’s network for measuring temperature in the United States has become corrupted by artificial heat sources and other issues. These problems introduce warm biases into the temperature measurements that are then used by the government and others to support manmade global warming. So as a reaction to criticism about these problems … NOAA now claims that the accuracy of the measured temperature no longer matters!
Administration: 51% Of Companies’ Health Plans Won’t Pass Muster
Administration: 51% Of Companies’ Health Plans Won’t Pass Muster
By Sean Higgins and David Hogberg
Fri., June 11, 2010 5:05 PM ET
Tags: Health Care - ObamaCare - Obama
Internal White House documents reveal that 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage by 2013 due to ObamaCare. That numbers soars to 66% for small-business employers.
The documents — product of a joint project of the Labor Department, the Health and Human Services Department and the IRS — examine the effects new regulations would have on existing, or “grandfathered,” employer-based health care plans.
Brazil sees silver lining in BP spill: more rigs | Reuters
Brazil sees silver lining in BP spill: more rigs | Reuters
Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:53pm EDT
* Brazil may pick up rigs idled on moratorium
* Could help the country's offshore campaign
* Deep water rigs in tight supply around the world
By Brian Ellsworth and Joshua Schneyer
RIO DE JANEIRO, June 11 (Reuters) - Brazil could benefit
from the BP Gulf of Mexico spill as a U.S. moratorium on
offshore drilling boosts available rigs for the country's deep
water oil exploration program.
Even as an ecological catastrophe makes the future of U.S.
offshore drilling less certain, Brazil is plowing ahead with a
$220 billion five-year plan to tap oil fields even deeper than
BP's (BP.L) ill-fated Gulf well, which is still leaking crude.
With an estimated 35 rigs idled in the Gulf of Mexico,
Brazil is already receiving inquiries from companies looking to
move their rigs here, where vast discoveries in recent years
may soon turn the country into a major crude exporter.
Friday, June 11, 2010
American Thinker: A Shrink Asks: What's Wrong with Obama?
American Thinker: A Shrink Asks: What's Wrong with Obama?
By Robin of BerkeleySo what is the matter with Obama? Conservatives have been asking this question for some time. I've written a number of articles trying to solve the mystery.
Even some liberals are starting to wonder. James Carville railed about Obama's blasé attitude after the catastrophic oil spill. The New York Times' Maureen Dowd revamped Obama's "Yes We Can" motto into "Will We Ever?"
The liberal women of the TV show "The View" have expressed sympathy for Michelle Obama's living with a man so out of touch. Peggy Noonan, hardly a vehement Obama foe, recently pronounced him disconnected.
Obama's odd mannerisms intrigue a psychotherapist like me. He also presents a serious diagnostic challenge.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
White House Parties as Gulf Suffers--John Gibson -
President party boy
The wrong kind of leadership
Last Updated: 4:15 AM, June 10, 2010
Posted: 11:42 PM, June 9, 2010
Last week's jobs report tanked the stock market; the president took weeks to assert control of the oil spill that threatens doom on the Gulf Coast -- but at the White House the Gatsby-like parties roll on as if happy days were here again.
Just yesterday, President Obama held another fun-filled White House event, a picnic for Congress members, complete with hot dogs, cold beverages and a fire pit.
All told, during the last seven weeks of spewing oil and rampant unemployment, he has frolicked and danced through three major White House music parties:
Steffy: U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise | Business: Loren Steffy | - Houston Chronicle
By LOREN STEFFY Copyright 2010 Houston Chronicle
June 8, 2010, 10:13PM
Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.
It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.
The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,'” said Geert Visser, consul general for the Netherlands in Houston.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
3 Forgotten Fears of a Reignited Korean War -
Dark thoughts of how a new Korean War would unfold. Doesn’t the Big “O” give you a nice warm and secure feeling in your tummy? Surly the NoKos wouldn’t dare to start anything with such a man in office - - - right?
3 Forgotten Fears of a Reignited Korean War -
As tensions continue to escalate between North and South Korea, we look at the worst-case scenarios that could result from an all-out
war between the two.
By Joe Pappalardo
South Korean soldiers take a position during a drill at a guard post near the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Koreas in Yanggu, 130 km northeast of Seoul, on May 24, 2010.
(Photo by Yonhap/AFP/Getty Images)
Tensions in the Korean Peninsula are at their worst point in decades after a North Korean submarine ambushed a South Korean warship, killing scores of sailors. Although North Korea has made violent provocation a cornerstone of its foreign and domestic policy for years, there is always the chance that this kind of brinksmanship will spark a major war.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Iran Red Crescent to send two aid ships to Gaza
Iran Red Crescent to send two aid ships to Gaza
June 7, 2010 - 3:44PM
Hazmat or Basic Tags available. Prices as low as 40 cents each.
The Iranian Red Crescent has decided to send two aid ships to Gaza this week and has called for volunteers to act as relief workers and accompany the vessels, the state IRNA news agency reported.
Iranian Red Crescent director Abdolrauf Adibzadeh told IRNA late on Sunday that the decision to send the ships was taken after a meeting with the foreign ministry.
"One ship will carry donations made by the people and the other will carry relief workers. The ships will be sent to Gaza by end of this week," Adibzadeh said.
Three deepwater drilling rigs to be moved from sites south of Cameron Parish |
Hope and Change, hope and change!
Three deepwater drilling rigs to be moved from sites south of Cameron Parish |
By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune
June 07, 2010, 10:30PM
The Associated PressThe Deepwater Horizon drilling rig was photographed April 22, engulfed in flames after the explosion that killed 11 workers on April 20.
As Louisiana's maritime industry continues to reel from President Barack Obama's deepwater drilling moratorium, a leading oil production company has announced it's looking to move some of its fleet to foreign waters.
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. announced that it is shutting down three exploratory drilling rigs in the deepwater Gulf, all off the Louisiana coast, and assured shareholders that it would move its operations "from the Gulf to other areas of our global portfolio" so it could meet annual production goals.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Prepare NOW: They "Get It" - The Market Ticker ®
Prepare NOW: They "Get It"
Anyone who doesn't believe that "they" (the powers that be) "get it" at this point needs to remove their head from their ass:
G-20 central bankers and finance ministers agreed in a joint statement today that “within their capacity, countries will expand domestic sources of growth.” At the same time, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet told reporters that Europe’s best contribution to the global rebound is to achieve fiscal sustainability.
Those two are polar opposites. You just heard Trichet admit that what everyone wants they cannot have.
Opposing Views: Firearms Industry Offers Rebuttal to Anti-Gun Columnist Susan Estrich
Opposing Views: Firearms Industry Offers Rebuttal to Anti-Gun Columnist Susan Estrich
Opinion by National Shooting Sports Foundation
In her column last week (“The responsibility is ours,” May 25, 2010), Susan Estrich claimed that crime in Mexico was attributable to “American assault rifles bought at gun stores on the border” and that “Eighty percent of the 75,000 assault weapons seized by Mexican authorities were traced back to the United States.” To set the record straight, NSSF President Steve Sanetti submitted his own op-ed piece for publication.
In her op-ed last week (“The responsibility is ours,” May 25, 2010), Susan Estrich claimed that crime in Mexico was attributable to “American assault rifles, bought at gun stores on the border” and that “Eighty percent of the 75,000 assault weapons seized by Mexican authorities were traced back to the United States.” Let’s clear this up right now.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Emigration Up, Birth Rate Down: Graying Germany Contemplates Demographic Time Bomb - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Perhaps if they had read Mark Steyn’s book “America Alone” when it was published a few years back. Europe is lost, the writing has been on the wall for over a decade.
German pensioners: The country's population is aging.
Germany is already facing a demographic nightmare as birth
rates fall despite a slew of family-friendly policies. Now, new statistics show that more people are leaving the country than immigrating -- adding to concerns about the country's shrinking population.
Germans fretting about the country's looming demographic problems are unlikely to have been cheered by recent news on birth rates and emigration. With its graying population, the country's cradle-to-grave welfare system could become unaffordable due to a dearth of working-age people to keep the system going. And the country seems to be failing to either attract enough immigrants or produce babies fast enough to dispel fears of future demographic disaster.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Possible Chemical Weapons attack in Afghanistan??
This would be a significant change in tactics on the part of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Praying there is some other explanation.
Breaking: Taliban Using Chemical Weapons Against US Troops? 4-5 Troops Reportedly Fall Ill
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, May 29, 2010, 6:48 PM
Five US troops serving in Afghanistan recently fell ill after a suspected chemical weapons attack. Four or five members fell ill after the attack. One soldier is very sick. They are having trouble breathing.
I am waiting for more information. I should have an update by morning.
Forged by Adversity: Remembering MA2 Michael Monsoor - U.S. News - Catholic Online
Forged by Adversity: Remembering MA2 Michael Monsoor - U.S. News - Catholic Online
By Mrs. Judy McCloskey
Catholics in the Military (
Petty Officer Second Class Mosoor is just one of the many brave men and women - and families - we remember on Memorial Day. 'By his undaunted courage, fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of certain death, Petty Officer Monsoor gallantly gave his life for his country.'
Obama’s Oil Spill Dilemma | RedState
Obama’s Oil Spill Dilemma
Saturday, May 29th at 3:33PM EDT
For the last fifteen years, I’ve been the operations manager for a small Gulf of Mexico oil and gas company. I’ve had more than a few sleepless nights in that time, whether it be worrying about a problem well, a reported accident or an impending hurricane. Since Barack Obama has assumed full accountability for the outcome of the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I offer this advice as one who understands the nature, if not the scope, of the challenge facing him.
With all due respect, sir, rookies make rookie mistakes.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
American Thinker Blog: Obama's new national security strategy a recipe for disaster
American Thinker Blog: Obama's new national security strategy a recipe for disaster
Jerry PhilipsonPresident Obama's recently unveiled National Security Strategy is a recipe for disaster, not only for the United States but for the free world as well. It diminishes rather than enhances our security and is an abdication of America's role as leader and protector of free nations and champion of western civilization.
Friday, May 28, 2010
EDITORIAL: The U.N. gun grabber - Washington Times
Perhaps the UN could start by expelling Iran, Libya, Cuba, China – they would have more credibility.
EDITORIAL: The U.N. gun grabber - Washington Times
6:51 p.m., Thursday, May 27, 2010
American gun owners might not feel besieged, but they should. This week, the Obama administration announced its support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. This international agreement poses real risks for freedom both in the United States and around the world by making it more difficult - if not outright illegal - for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
RIGZONE - Analysis: Could U.S. Lose 200 Rigs by the End of Summer?
Hope and Change. Surely a 15% reduction in drilling rigs won’t have any effect on our economy, right?? Making the oil companies the bad guys will do nothing for a US recovery. Perhaps more attention should be paid to why BP felt forced to recover oil 23,000 feet below the surface.
RIGZONE - Analysis: Could U.S. Lose 200 Rigs by the End of Summer?
Rigzone Staff
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Philadelphia Oil Service Sector index, commonly known by its ticker OSX, is based on the stock market movements of 15 oil service company components. The current members of the OSX are Baker Hughes, Cameron, Global Industries, Halliburton, Lufkin Industries, Nabors, Noble Corporation, National Oilwell Varco, Oceaneering, Rowan Companies, Transocean, Smith International, Schlumberger, Tidewater, and Weatherford. By overlaying the OSX with the Baker Hughes US Rig Count; one can make the argument that some correlation between the two may exist.
Peggy Noonan: He Was Supposed to Be Competent -
Peggy Noonan: He Was Supposed to Be Competent -
The spill is a disaster for the president and his political philosophy.
I don't see how the president's position and popularity can survive the oil spill. This is his third political disaster in his first 18 months in office. And they were all, as they say, unforced errors, meaning they were shaped by the president's political judgment and instincts.
There was the tearing and unnecessary war over his health-care proposal and its cost. There was his day-to-day indifference to the views and hopes of the majority of voters regarding illegal immigration. And now the past almost 40 days of dodging and dithering in the face of an environmental calamity. I don't see how you politically survive this.
NJ Teacher who complained to Gov. Chris Christie she deserved $83k actually makes $86k | Washington Examiner
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
05/26/10 3:48 PM EDTYesterday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had a little dust-up with teacher Rita Wilson. Upset over Christie’s education budget, Wilson complained that she wasn’t paid enough and got sharp rebuke from the governor:
But borough teacher Rita Wilson, a Kearny resident, argued that if she were paid $3 an hour for the 30 children in her class, she’d be earning $83,000, and she makes nothing near that.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Census workers can enter your apartment in your absence | The Barr Code
I’m from the government, open the damn door!
Census workers can enter your apartment in your absence | The Barr Code
6:00 am May 26, 2010, by Bob Barr
Thousands of census workers, including many temporary employees, are fanning out across America to gather information on the citizenry. This is a process that takes place not only every decade in order to complete the constitutionally-mandated census; but also as part of the continuing “American Community Survey” conducted by the Census Bureau on a regular basis year in and year out.
What many Americans don’t realize, is that census workers — from the head of the Bureau and the Secretary of Commerce (its parent agency) down to the lowliest and newest Census employee — are empowered under federal law to actually demand access to any apartment or any other type of home or room that is rented out, in order to count persons in the abode and for “the collection of statistics.” If the landlord of such apartment or other leased premises refuses to grant the government worker access to your living quarters, whether you are present or not, the landlord can be fined $500.00.
About ImmigrationsHumanCost
There is a human cost to illegals coming into this country.
ImmigrationsHumanCost is dedicated to putting a human face on the havoc that open borders has brought. The press is full of stories about the struggling immigrant (often here illegally) who has come "in search of a better life." The media fail to note that this same foreigner will achieve his better life at the cost of some American who makes less money in a flooded labor market or will directly lose his job to an immigrant willing to work for peanuts. Where is the sympathetic article about an unemployed American roofer who has been displaced by a Mexican doing the job for $8 an hour?
When unions turn to thuggary.
This story has been out there for over a week. I have yet to see it mentioned in the MSM. Fourteen busses, filled with 500 SEIU thugs park in a residential area, trample all over a BoA employee’s yard and terrify his 14 year old son who is home alone. Oh, and they were escorted by DC police and watched by local Maryland police. (can we say union cooperation??) Is this the America Obama is leading us to??
Flynn concludes with an explanation of the inherent interest of this story: "it is the small story that illuminates the overall narrative. Let's dispense with all the semantics and timelines and legalese. Last week, 500 union thugs descended on a private home and terrorized a teenage boy. They violated someone's most personal space, their home. And they attacked their most precious gift, their child. The police in two jurisdictions knew about this. They did nothing."
Dan Danner: ObamaCare vs. Small Business -
I would like to think the Big O was just ignorant. Sadly, it is becoming clear he is simply anti-business, both large and small.
Dan Danner: ObamaCare vs. Small Business -
Why the National Federation of Independent Business supports the constitutional challenge to the health-insurance mandate.
For decades small business owners have been telling anyone who would listen that they need health-care reforms that lower costs. But President Obama and his allies in Congress pushed through a law that will dramatically raise health-care costs and increase the overall cost of doing business. What's more, the federal mandate requiring that nearly all U.S. residents carry health insurance by 2014 seriously threatens our basic constitutional rights and individual freedoms.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Analysis: Detroit, The Triumph of Progressive Public Policy [Mackinac Center]
Analysis: Detroit, The Triumph of Progressive Public Policy [Mackinac Center]
By Jarrett Skorup | May 25, 2010
(Editor's note: This article originally appeared at on July 6, 2009.)
Imagine a city where all the major economic planks of the statist or "progressive" platform have been enacted:
- A "living wage" ordinance, far above the federal minimum wage, for all public employees and private contractors.
- A school system that spends significantly more per pupil than the national average.
- A powerful school employee union that militantly defends the exceptional pay, benefits and job security it has won for its members.
- A powerful government employee union that does the same for its members.
- A tax system that aggressively redistributes income from businesses and the wealthy to the poor and to government bureaucracies.
Would this be a shining city on a hill, exciting the admiration of all? We don't have to guess, because there is such a city right here in our state: Detroit
Private pay shrinks to historic lows as gov't payouts rise -
Do you think anyone in Washington truly knows where the government’s spending money comes from??
Private pay shrinks to historic lows as gov't payouts rise -
By Mark Wilson, Getty Images
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of
personal income in U.S. history during the first quarter of this year, a USA TODAY analysis of government data finds. At the same time, government-provided benefits — from Social Security, unemployment insurance, food stamps and other programs — rose to a record high during the first three months of 2010.
Pajamas Media » He Didn’t Just Lie About Arizona: Calderon Fibbed About Assault Weapons, Too
This has been an old tale for some time. The mis-stated “facts” have been use by the antigun lobbyists for a number of years to promote tighter gun controls while simply lying about the facts. Why would we expect the President of Mexico to behave any differently – hell even our President chooses lies over facts about this issue.
Pajamas Media » He Didn’t Just Lie About Arizona: Calderon Fibbed About Assault Weapons, Too
His claim that 80% of the guns seized in Mexico came from the U.S. is widely debunked nonsense.
May 24, 2010
- by Bob Owens
In a very rare event, the president of Mexico addressed a joint
session of the United States Congress last Thursday. Unfortunately, Felipe Calderon abused the opportunity by lying to the assembled representatives, senators, and government officials for the express benefit of his faltering country.
Massachusetts Mess Previews ObamaCare Woes--Sally Pipes -
Massachusetts Mess Previews ObamaCare Woes--Sally Pipes -
Last Updated: 12:54 AM, May 25, 2010
Posted: 12:26 AM, May 25, 2010
The future of US medicine under ObamaCare is already on display in Massachusetts. The top four health insurers there just posted first-quarter losses of more than $150 million. Most of them blamed the state's decision to keep premiums at last year's levels for individual and small-business policies, when they'd proposed double-digit hikes to match the soaring costs they've seen under the state's universal-coverage law.
The companies have gone to court to challenge the state's action -- it apparently had no basis for its ruling beyond the political needs of Gov. Deval Patrick. If they win, Bay State health premiums will continue their rapid rise; if they lose, they'll eventually have to stop doing business in Massachusetts -- and the state will be that much closer to a "single payer" system of socialized medicine.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Deepwater Well Construction 101 | RedState
For those looking for data and detail, an excellent article on the Deepwater Horizon accident.
Deepwater Well Construction 101
Saturday, May 22nd at 6:35PM EDT
By any measure, the construction of a deepwater well involves “Extreme Engineering”. And like other applications of technology at the frontier of knowledge, proper operating practices are often a response to failure, and examination of lessons learned.
The Deepwater Horizon disaster represents the first time deepwater drillers have experienced multiple failures of the redundant systems that are designed to keep a well from flowing uncontrollably. In hindsight, it may well be determined that some combination of questionable design choices, human error and equipment malfunction conspired to cause the blowout and spill. No one (that I’m aware of) has suggested that BP was operating outside of its permitted authority.
Public Pensions Headed for Disaster - Business - The Atlantic
Public Pensions Headed for Disaster - Business - The Atlantic
May 21 2010, 2:25 PM ET |
The New York Times has a practically libertarian-sounding article on public pensions, and the strain they are putting on the state and local governments. Public employees rack up overtime in their last year of work, with the active encouragement of their supervisors and even local politicians, then they retire with inflated pensions that can be greater than their base salary.
It’s the Sun, stupid | Full Comment | National Post
It’s the Sun, stupid | Full Comment | National Post
By Lawrence Solomon May 21, 2010 – 7:17 pm
Solar scientists are finally overcoming their fears and going public about the Sun-climate connection
Four years ago, when I first started profiling scientists who were
global warming skeptics, I soon learned two things: Solar scientists were overwhelmingly skeptical that humans caused climate change and, overwhelmingly, they were reluctant to go public with their views. Often, they refused to be quoted at all, saying they feared for their funding, or they feared other recriminations from climate scientists in the doomsayer camp. When the skeptics agreed to be quoted at all, they often hedged their statements, to give themselves wiggle room if accused of being a global warming denier. Scant few were outspoken about their skepticism.
No longer.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Pajamas Media » Leaked Spanish Report: Obama’s Model ‘Green Economy’ a Disaster (PJM Exclusive)
Wind energy is a failure, color me shocked! Hello, Senator Harken, hello????????
Pajamas Media » Leaked Spanish Report: Obama’s Model ‘Green Economy’ a Disaster (PJM Exclusive)
Following PJM's exclusive story on a leaked Spanish government report, a newspaper in Spain confirms that the country's "green economy" policies — the model for the Obama administration's "green jobs" efforts — have been a disaster: expensive, ineffective, and unworkable. (An English translation of the Spanish article is provided in this post.)
May 21, 2010
- by Christopher Horner
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As predicted was inevitable, today the Spanish newspaper La Gaceta runs with a full-page article fessing up to the truth about Spain’s “green jobs” boondoggle, which happens to be the one naively cited by President Obama no less than eight times as his model for the United States. It is now out there as a bust, a costly disaster that has come undone in Spain to the point that even the Socialists admit it, with the media now in full pursuit.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Massachusetts Insurers Post Big Losses - Business - The Atlantic
Massachusetts Insurers Post Big Losses - Business - The Atlantic
May 17 2010, 7:27 PM ET
When MassCare passed, it was supposed to lower the average cost of health care by getting relatively cheap young people into the system, and ending the inefficiencies of caring for the uninsured. Unfortunately, it hasn't quite worked out that way. The bill for the uninsured only dropped by about 40%; the young, cheap people turned out to almost all need subsidies, and worse, some of them figured out how to game the system by buying insurance, getting a bunch of expensive procedures, and then dropping the insurance again. There was a brief improvement in insurance prices for the individual market, because Massachusetts, with its community rating and guaranteed issue, had had a pretty sizable problem with adverse selection. But after a few years, insurance costs were still marching briskly upward, rates were among the highest in the country, and the system was putting heavy pressure on a budget that was already strained to the limit by the recession.
Texas doctors fleeing Medicare in droves | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle
Why should this shock anyone. Of all the providers that are available in the US, the US Government has the worst payment record with the highest fraud rate. What are doctors supposed to do??
Texas doctors fleeing Medicare in droves | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle
HOUSTON CHRONICLEMay 17, 2010, 11:02PM
Houston retiree Kathy Sweeney has trouble finding specialists who
take new Medicare patients and is worried about the possibility she one day could lose her regular doctor.
Texas doctors are opting out of Medicare at alarming rates, frustrated by reimbursement cuts they say make participation in government-funded care of seniors unaffordable.
Two years after a survey found nearly half of Texas doctors weren't taking some new Medicare patients, new data shows 100 to 200 a year are now ending all involvement with the program. Before 2007, the number of doctors opting out averaged less than a handful a year.
“This new data shows the Medicare system is beginning to implode,” said Dr. Susan Bailey, president of the Texas Medical Association. “If Congress doesn't fix Medicare soon, there'll be more and more doctors dropping out and Congress' promise to provide medical care to seniors will be broken.”
Scott Gottlieb: No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan -
Again, the devil is always in the details.
Scott Gottlieb: No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan -
Insurers and doctors are already consolidating their businesses in the wake of ObamaCare's passage.
President Obama guaranteed Americans that after health reform became law they could keep their insurance plans and their doctors. It's clear that this promise cannot be kept. Insurers and physicians are already reshaping their businesses as a result of Mr. Obama's plan.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My great grand children will grow up in a world where Europe is Islamic.
So what will this mean to the world? Will the Muslims be “moderate” or Jihadists? Will we be forced to fight a war of survival with a Jihadists Europe? Most folks that I have chatted with about this issue seem to write it off as alarmists crap. I have been looking at this since Mark Stein wrote “America Alone”. It’s a sobering trend that needs the attention of those who value our traditional western way of life.
Power Line - Mantz on a mission
So what’s it like to die?? A dead man finds his purpose for living.
Mantz on a mission
May 16, 2010 Posted by Scott at 8:38 AM
Watching Fox News this morning, I caught an interview with Army Captain Joshua Mantz (in the photo at left with Secretary Gates). Captain Mantz was patrolling in Bagdhad with the First Infantry Division on April 21, 2007, when he was hit by an armor-piercing bullet that hit and killed Staff Sergeant Marlon Harper. Part of the same bullet that killed Sergeant Harper then exited, hit Captain Mantz and severed Mantz's femoral artery. Captain Mantz bled out and went into a flatline condition for 15 minutes.
Abortion Coverage in President Obama's Health Care Reform Bill | The Heritage Foundation
Abortion Coverage in President Obama's Health Care Reform Bill | The Heritage Foundation
Published on March 4, 2010 by Chuck DonovanPresident Obama has put forward another variant of health care reform whose foundation is H.R. 3590. Nearly a year after the President launched the health reform process with a White House summit, public opinion has moved even more strongly in the direction of keeping longstanding prohibitions on federal financing of abortion and plans that cover abortion. Despite this fact, H.R. 3590 includes multiple provisions that facilitate abortion funding, including new grants to federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) that contain no restriction on abortion payments whatsoever.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Scientists issue a global cooling alert!!
Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era
Monday, May 10, 2010
11:30 AM
The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC), the leading independent research organization in the United States on the subject of the next climate change, issues today the following warning of imminent crop damage expected to produce food and ethanol shortages for the US and Canada:
Over the next 30 months, global temperatures are expected to make another dramatic drop even greater than that seen during the 2007-2008 period. As the Earth’s current El Nino dissipates, the planet will return to the long term temperature decline brought on by the Sun’s historic reduction in output, the on-going “solar hibernation.”
We Are Out of Money - Reason Magazine
We Are Out of Money
American governance won’t begin to inch forward until the political class faces basic facts.
Matt Welch from the June 2010 issue
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American conservatives, particularly the fiscal variety, tend to hold up the European Union as a model of irresponsible, big-spending economic policy. But consider this: According to E.U. rules, member countries cannot maintain budget deficits above 3 percent of gross domestic product; nor can their total debt rise above 60 percent of GDP. As Veronique de Rugy points out in this issue, the U.S. budget deficit in 2009 was three times the E.U.’s limit, and total debt will zoom past the 60 percent threshold sometime this year. Washington makes Paris look frugal.
In March the federal government created the most expensive new entitlement in four decades, even as the bond rating company Moody’s Investors Service warned that debt levels could soon precipitate a downgrade in U.S. Treasury bonds. The main opposition party fought the bill by decrying “cuts” to Medicare, and it has kept itself at arm’s length from one of the few politicians talking seriously about long-term reform.