The amount of fraud in climate science, particularly that being used to support the theory of man made global warming, is stunning. This article seems to describe the cornerstone.
Dead Ringer
By Ross Kaminsky on 12.4.09 @ 6:07AM
"Climategate" is first time that the magnitude of bad behavior by climate alarmist scientists was so large and so easily understood by non-scientists that even the liberal mass media can't completely ignore it (though they're doing their best.)
But the release of e-mail and data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in Britain showing global warming alarmist "scientists" manipulating and deleting data is far from the first time these same people have been found to be acting in distinctly non-scientific ways.
If you haven't already, read State of Fear by Michael Crichton. Originally starting out to support global warming, of which he was a huge advocate; while conducting his research for the book he changed his view on global warming. Included in the book are footnotes which contain references that back up the claim that global warming scientists are fudging the numbers. Also a good read.
I read his book a couple of years ago. A great read as always. I'm going to miss him as a writer.
The global warming thing is such a money grab and easily provable as a hoax. Yet, the money is so big and our government is so involved in "green jobs" that it will take a lot to stop the momentum on this whole thing. Yet, I do think the tide is turning.
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