Sunday, December 06, 2009

Earth Day, Then and Now - Reason Magazine

Perhaps a reminder of how little the alarmists really know about our global environment is in order.


Earth Day, Then and Now

The planet's future has never looked better. Here's why.

Ronald Bailey from the May 2000 issue

Thirty Years ago, 20 million Americans participated in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Fifth Avenue in New York City was closed to automobiles as 100,000 people joined in concerts, lectures, and street theater.


Friday, December 04, 2009

Volcanoes and CO2 – an odd mix.

So you put a CO2 monitoring station down wind from an active volcano.  You “discover” that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are sharply increasing.  You determine that the only reasonable answer is man’s increasing carbon footprint.  You apply for federal funds to investigate the coming catastrophe.  You become famous for discovering this tradgey in progress – and your funding increases.


Things that make you say hummmmmmm!

Greenhouse Gas Observatories Downwind from Erupting Volcanoes

By Andrew Walden

Problems in the collection of atmospheric CO2 data parallel other absurdities in the global warming fraud. The Climategate scandal is exposing the massive and systematic fraud behind the fabrication of the worldwide temperature record necessary to make the case for global warming. But what about the record of atmospheric CO2? 

Dead Ringer

The amount of fraud in climate science, particularly that being used to support the theory of man made global warming, is stunning.  This article seems to describe the cornerstone.


Dead Ringer

By Ross Kaminsky on 12.4.09 @ 6:07AM

"Climategate" is first time that the magnitude of bad behavior by climate alarmist scientists was so large and so easily understood by non-scientists that even the liberal mass media can't completely ignore it (though they're doing their best.)

But the release of e-mail and data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in Britain showing global warming alarmist "scientists" manipulating and deleting data is far from the first time these same people have been found to be acting in distinctly non-scientific ways.