In my day we called these flights "Dustoff". They were manned by heroes - real, honest to god heroes. This is a very tough video to watch. You are looking at an incredibly brave man. Our country is blessed with thousands of these soldiers.
In my day we called these flights "Dustoff". They were manned by heroes - real, honest to god heroes. This is a very tough video to watch. You are looking at an incredibly brave man. Our country is blessed with thousands of these soldiers.
First - from the town halls:
Security Guards Remove Retired Cop from Town Hall Meeting
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
August 30, 2009 - 15:16 ET
As the anger over the nation's movement towards socialism grows, Democrats' patience with town hall meeting protesters is clearly wearing thin.
On Saturday, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) instructed security guards to escort what ended up being a retired New York City patrolman out of a fiery Manchester gathering.
Next - Senator Harry Reid wishing his detractors away:
Harry Reid Threatens Las Vegas Newspaper
By Rusty Weiss (Bio | Archive)
August 30, 2009 - 22:51 ET
Harry Reid, perhaps emulating the bullying tactics of an out-of-control Obama administration, has openly wished for the Las Vegas Review-Journal to ‘go out of business' - a newspaper which has held opposing political viewpoints with the Senator.
This is America - really??
EDITORIAL: Obama's mad science adviser - Washington Times
Compulsory abortion and sterilization aren't youthful indiscretions
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES | Sunday, August 16, 2009
When it comes to having past views that should frighten every American citizen, Ezekiel Emanuel (see above editorial) has nothing on the president's "chief science adviser," John P. Holdren. The combination of Mr. Holdren with Dr. Emanuel should make the public seriously concerned with this administration's moral compass concerning care for the old and weak.
Earlier this month, Mr. Holdren served as co-chairman when the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology met for the first time. It's a disgrace that Mr. Holdren is even on the council. In "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment," a book he co-authored in 1977 with noted doomsayers Paul R. and Anne H. Erlich, Mr. Holdren wrote: "Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society."
The Health Care Bill: What HR 3200, ‘‘America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009,” Says
John David Lewis
August 6, 2009
What does the bill, HR 3200, short-titled ‘‘America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009,” actually say about major health care issues? I here pose a few questions in no particular order, citing relevant passages and offering a brief evaluation after each set of passages.
This bill is 1017 pages long. It is knee-deep in legalese and references to other federal regulations and laws. I have only touched pieces of the bill here. For instance, I have not considered the establishment of (1) “Health Choices Commissio0ner” (Section 141); (2) a “Health Insurance Exchange,” (Section 201), basically a government run insurance scheme to coordinate all insurance activity; (3) a Public Health Insurance Option (Section 221); and similar provisions.
This is the evaluation of someone who is neither a physician nor a legal professional. I am citizen, concerned about this bill’s effects on my freedom as an American. I would rather have used my time in other ways—but this is too important to ignore.
We may answer one question up front: How will the government will pay for all this? Higher taxes, more borrowing, printing money, cutting payments, or rationing services—there are no other options. We will all pay for this, enrolled in the government “option” or not.
While the color of the shirts may have changed the tactics of physical intimidation has not. Obama SEIU supports are facing two separate hate crime incidents. It would seem that when Obama asks his supports to get in the opposition's faces and that he is simply not interested in hearing their thoughts his largest body of union support - the SEIU - simply beats them into silence.
Where have I heard that before????? Some past leader deployed his brown-shirted supporters. It appears that Islamic fascists are not our only worry - fascism seems to be alive and well in the current administration.
"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It's the Post Office that's always having problems"
Things that make you say Hummmm.
Dunham signed up for assignments just 2 weeks out of delivery room
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDailyStanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother, was registered for college classes in Seattle only 15 days after reportedly delivering her first-born child in Honolulu, according to school records obtained by WND.
How Dunham was able to travel the 2,680 air miles from Honolulu to Seattle only a few days after the birth of her baby is not disclosed in the currently available public record concerning President Obama's birth.
Nor is there anything on the public record to explain how Dunham managed to find an apartment and relocate with her infant son so she could begin taking university classes within 15 days of the baby's birth.
There is also nothing on the public record to suggest Madelyn Dunham, Ann Dunham's mother, or any other family member preceded or accompanied Dunham to Seattle in August 1961 to help the new mother and infant son find appropriate living arrangements and complete the university's enrollment process prior to beginning classes.
This is the letter I sent to Is it just me, or does this request for snitches feel uncomfortable NAZI like??
Really, the President of the United States looking for spies and snitches to nark on citizens spreading "lies" about the healthcare bill??
Let me make this easy for you guys:
My name is:
Your efforts are pathetic!
And yes, facts are stubborn things.
A few facts:
Keep my own insurance?
From page 16 of HR3200 dated July 14, 2009
the term ‘‘grandfathered health
insurance coverage’’ means individual health insurance8 coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the
9 first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:
11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in
12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance
13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll
14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef15
fective date of coverage is on or after the first
16 day of Y1.
You deny my company the right of adding new people. You deny them health coverage under my insurance plan. This is directly contradicts to your claims.
From page 13
5 The term ‘‘qualified health benefits plan’’ means a
6 health benefits plan that meets the requirements for
7 such a plan under title I and includes the public
8 health insurance option.
You, the federal government are now going to determine which health plans are "qualified"?? That would imply that I can no longer sit with my insurance agent, define the needs for my company and have him create a plan that meets MY needs. It would appear the these plans would first have to be "approved". Why? If I'm happy and the insurance company is happy, why does the federal government need to get involved??
From page 15
FITS PLANS.—On or after the first day of Y1, a health
3 benefits plan shall not be a qualified health benefits plan
4 under this division unless the plan meets the applicable
5 requirements of the following subtitles for the type of plan
6 and plan year involved:
7 (1) Subtitle B (relating to affordable coverage).
8 (2) Subtitle C (relating to essential benefits).
9 (3) Subtitle D (relating to consumer protec10
This section seems to clearly state that if the insurance plan my agent and I come up with for my company does not meet the requirements set to become a "Qualified" health plan, they will no longer be able to be offered. Since my insurance renews every year, my plan would simply disappear unless it was accepted into the insurance exchange. What if the exchange requires something I don't need, or can't accept - government payment for abortion for example - am I simply out of luck??
Of course not, because I will be required to have insurance:
From page 143
10 Subtitle A—Individual
11 Responsibility
13 For an individual’s responsibility to obtain acceptable
14 coverage, see section 59B of the Internal Revenue Code
15 of 1986 (as added by section 401 of this Act).
and, from page 158
4 ‘‘(10) Every individual to whom section 59B(a)
5 applies and who fails to meet the requirements of
6 section 59B(d) with respect to such individual or
7 any qualifying child (as defined in section 152(c)) of
8 such individual.’’.
So, let me get this straight. If my plan does not meet the qualifications - even though I am happy with it, I will loose it. And, if I do not purchase an insurance policy, you will use the IRS to seize my wages to make sure I am "insured".
I could go one and on, but I am satisfied this makes my point.
One other suggestion, when the President goes on national TV and says the federal government will now choose whether I get a "Red Pill" or a "Blue Pill" I suggest he return to the Matrix. In that single statement he not only told me he will choose my insurance but also what it will cover, what the doctors can prescribe and which drug company he will buy from. It was one of the most stunningly ignorant thing I have heard a President say - and I have been listening for over 40 years.
By the way, I would love to talk to my local representative about this, Congressman Boswell. However, he seems gutless and afraid to hold but a single town meeting during his one month recess. Perhaps you could buck him up enough to talk to the folks he represents.
My suggestion - back off. Allow me to manage my life and my insurance. Given how well you folks have done so far, I am confident I will live a much longer and healthier life without your assistance.
Bill Keller
Vinton, Iowa
Some additional questions for the President via posting from Redstate:
Q) Mr. President, can you tell me how much will I have to pay for my public option insurance?
A) pg 121.
7 RATES.—Chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code shall
8 apply to the process for the initial establishment of pay-
9 ment rates under this section but not to the specific meth-
10 odology for establishing such rates or the calculation of
11 such rates.
Q) Mr. President, what if I’m unsatisfied with the rates that the Government assigns to me?
A) pg. 121-122
24 (f) LIMITATIONS ON REVIEW.—There shall be no ad-
25 ministrative or judicial review of a payment rate or meth-
1 odology established under this section or under section
2 224.
Q) Mr. President, so that I can ignore all of those lies and propaganda about this wonderful plan; can you assure me that I will get treatments that my doctor and I believe that I need, and not manipulate my premiums to force me to get treatments that my government wants me to have?
A) pg. 126
5 ICES.—To the extent allowed by the benefit standards ap-
6 plied to all Exchange-participating health benefits plans,
7 the public health insurance option may modify cost shar-
8 ing and payment rates to encourage the use of services
9 that promote health and value.
Q) Mr. President, so that I can avoid any misinformation from those wild-eyed, fear-mongering, hate bloggers who are just paid by insurance companies to cause doubts and stir anger; could you assure me that you won’t use my race, sex, and other personal information as a determinant for whether you will allow me to receive treatments I need under the public option?
A) pg. 118
4 (e) DATA COLLECTION.—The Secretary shall collect
5 such data as may be required to establish premiums and
6 payment rates for the public health insurance option and
7 for other purposes under this subtitle, including to im-
8 prove quality and to reduce racial, ethnic, and other dis-
9 parities in health and health care.