Tuesday, April 08, 2008

An interesting Global Warming site .

The myth of Global Warming is slowly crumbling. The "Science and Public Policy Institute" has two articles that I found particularly Interesting.

"35 Inconvenient Truths - The errors in Al Gore’s movie"
takes a hard look at a number of myths enshrined in Gore's movie. It lays to waste the most popular of them.

"Global Warming Profiteers" presents clear evidence that there has been no recorded increase in global temperatures for the last decade. In fact, for the past 7 years temperatures have been declining with the past year seeing the largest annual temperature drop since 1880.

Global Warming has Stopped is a good summary article that brings together a number of myths and debunks them as well.

Global warming is a myth that can't die too soon in my humble opinion.

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