Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Is there really a health care access problem??

So when we hear all the hubb-bub about lack of health care availably, what is the real truth??

Beyond Those Health Care Numbers

Published: November 4, 2007

WITH the health care system at the center of the political debate, a lot of scary claims are being thrown around. The dangerous ones are not those that are false; watchdogs in the news media are quick to debunk them. Rather, the dangerous ones are those that are true but don’t mean what people think they mean.

Imagine that. This is a crisis??

1 comment:

r_vest said...

Why is it the government's problem to grant health care to everyone? I don't remember in the Constitution that health care will be given out from the government.

I think that the politicians are looking at this wrong. First, they need to look at the cost of health care and why it is so expensive. {Hospitals are showing very large profits} Insurance is also very expensive. Maybe there needs to be some regulation on how much a hospital can charge for a procedure, kind of like the "flat rate" that mechanics charge for fixing a car, or even a "menu" for certain procedures.

Granting everyone "free" health care is not the answer. Fixing the problem is a start. But one has to first know where the problem starts.