There is a difference between leaving the battlefield and ending the war.
I watched the Democrat party join hands with Al Qaeda this passed week and commit to the defeat of our troops in Iraq. It was a stunning and breathtaking thing to watch.
First, the House passed a “non-binding” resolution disapproving of President Bush’s surge strategy in Iraq. This after the architect of the surge, Lieutenant General David H. Petraeus was overwhelmingly confirmed as the new commander in Iraq. In a glimmer of hope, the Senate failed to pass companion legislation.
Pennsylvania Congressman Murtha proudly announced he would begin a process of obstruction of our efforts in Iraq that has been called a “slow bleed”. I suspect this wording will certainly be accurate because these efforts against our troops will certainly embolden our enemies, sow fear and doubt in the Iraqi’s and reduce their interest in cooperating with our troops on the ground. Undoubtedly the final result will be more American and Iraqi blood spent.
Next up to bat, Senator Clinton setting a date certain of 90 days to begin withdrawal of troops or she will introduce legislation to “revoke authorization” for the war. Of course, President Bush did not need to ask congress to send troops in, he did it out of courtesy, and such legislation would have no legal effect, but the propaganda value to our enemies would be incredible.
And finally, Senator Schumer on Sunday stating that unless President Bush begins to withdraw our troops, the Democrat party will cover the House and Senate with a flood of legislation reminiscent of Viet Nam. Of course, he leaves out the 3 million deaths following our surrender in Viet Nam and the sentencing of the people of Viet Nam to a life under a punishing communist government.
This is the face of our Democrat controlled Congress – one of defeat, cowardice and abandonment of our troops.
But, even more stunning than these pronouncements of support for our defeat in Iraq is the naïve belief that leaving a battlefield is the same as ending a war. I heard over and over and over that the Democrat party was determined to end the war. Really? Who are they negotiating with? What are the terms of the cease fire? What are the terms of the peace agreement? Who negotiated the dissolution of Al Qaeda? Who negotiated the dissolution of Hamas and Hisbola? Does our surrender include a verifiable termination of the development of nuclear weapons in Iran? Or are we just quitting, heading home and praying that the next attack on our soil will not reached the announced Al Qaeda goal of 100,000 casualties?
The reality is this – we are in a global war with Islamofacists that are dedicated, lethal and brutal in their efforts to destroy America, Europe and the West. They have been fully engaged in this effort since the 1972 Olympics and their efforts have grown ever more widespread and lethal. Our surrender does NOT end this war; it simply proves to our enemies that they can attack us without fear and that our ultimate defeat as a culture is assured.
For the Democrats to join forces these people’s goals is beyond my understanding and assures that many more of our troops and our citizens will need to die before it finally hits home – we are in a fight for our survival.
Bill Keller
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