Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Daily Dozen - 2-8-2005

With Friends Like These: Stop Saudi jihad proselytizing in U.S. Dallas News Editorial

Freedom House Report: Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques Read the entire report for yourself

EASONGATE: BARNEY FRANK TALKS Eason Jordan, representing CNN at the Davos economic conference last week accused US soldiers of deliberately targeting journalists. He claimed to have information regarding 12 that had been deliberately murdered by US soldiers. Interestingly, this is receiving scant attention in MSM, but the blogsphere is on fire. Michelle Malkin has the results of her conversation with Sen. Barney Franks, who was in attendance as well as links to a number of other discussions on the topic.

Iraqis Cite Shift in Attitudes Since Vote By Doug Struck, Washington Post Foreign Service This story reminds me of the ice breaking on a river after a long, cold winter. Lord knows these folks have suffered for along time, I honestly believe Spring is just around the corner.

Counterterror Conference Sidesteps Issue of Defining Terrorism By Patrick Goodenough, CNSNews.com

'On the Road to Resumption' at Sharm el-Sheik By Julie Stahl, CNSNews.com

Exporting Immigrants, and Chaos By Michael Radu, FrontPageMagazine.com

Ostrich Authorities Deny Domestic Terrorism By Daniel Pipes, FrontPageMagazine.com

We Can't Tax Our Way Out of the Social Security Crisis - Senator Jon Kyl, RCP

Staying Power: Fight Over Flight in Iraq - Victor Davis Hanson, New Republic

What Kind of People Do We Want to Be? - Investor's Business Daily

What Bin Laden Sees in Hiroshima By Steve Coll, The Washington Post

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